maandag 23 maart 2009

A fresh start

According to my archive, I haven't blogged since august 2008. No need to look, I've deleted all my previous messages. It's a fresh start.

So what will this fresh start mean:
- First, I've decided to start blogging in English.
Many years ago I wrote my diary in English to achieve a better score on my English written exams. Lately I find myself looking for the right words when receiving an email or telephone. So I've decided to pick up an old habit. So pardon my English, it's been a while and it will get better over time. Feedback is always welcome.

- Second, I find that I need a place to reflect.
I've been trying to start a diet and it's not working. My house is the cleanest it's ever been, my finances are almost in order (beating the current worldwide problems) and work is fabulous. I just can't seem to get this last thing in order. I need a buddy and currently my best friend is pregnant (no help there), my partner needs to gain weight (therefor a terrible dietbuddy) and all the other people which might be dieting or should probably by dieting are not close enough friends to be asked.
I'm hoping this will give me an opportunity to resist cravings.

- Third, Should there be a third? I'm just jealous of all the beautifull blogs around the internet and I want to contribute to this community! So count me in!

Well let's give it a go.

I'm starting my diet tomorrow. It's called 'Sonja Bakker'. Sonja Bakker is a dutch woman who did a homecourse in dieting and health and after that wrote a book. She got famous for the results. So I should be able to achieve some results here. I just need to follow it to the letter.

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